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Posted 04/30/2024 in Livestock & Dairy by Blog Author

USDA testing beef for H5N1 bird flu virus

USDA testing beef for H5N1 bird flu virus

According to food safety regulators, they are testing beef for the H5N1 avian flu virus that is circulating in dairy animals. This testing includes testing ground beef from grocery stores.

On Monday, the US Department of Agriculture said that it is carrying out three distinct investigations on the safety of beef. Ground beef from grocery shops in states where dairy cattle have tested positive for the H5N1 avian influenza virus is being sampled by the FDA.  Additionally, it is collecting muscle tissue samples from diseased cows that have been eliminated from the herd.

In order to determine how much virus is eliminated at each heat setting, researchers are also inoculating ground beef with a "virus surrogate" and then cooking it to various degrees.

The action is being taken in response to Colombian limitations on the import of beef and beef products from US states where tests for avian influenza have been positive in dairy herds.

According to the US Beef Export Foundation, there is "no scientific basis" for the restrictions.  According to the foundation, the US is Colombia's top supplier of beef, contributing almost $40 million to the country's imports last year.

The polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, test used by the USDA to evaluate beef is an extremely sensitive laboratory procedure that can detect even minute amounts of inert genetic material from the virus.  The USDA stated that any positive samples will be examined further for live viruses.

"The USDA is certain that the supply of meat is secure.  USDA claimed in a statement provided to media outlets on Monday that it "has multiple safeguards in place to protect consumers" in addition to its "rigorous meat inspection process."

The agency also stated, "We advise consumers to handle raw meats carefully and cook to a safe internal temperature, which kills bacteria and viruses in meat."

Source USDA

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